5K Training For Runners - Week 2

(Week 1 is Here!)

Warm Up:
10 lateral lunges + 10 elbow touches. 10 mountain climbers + 10 downward dog pushups
After ~5 minutes of tall focused running stop and work on the above. This warmup specifically targets your groin, your hamstrings, and your hips. Further, the downward dog pushups will get your core online, your upper body and shoulders primed, and your calves and ankles even more open.[/text_block]

Pulling Drills + Form Sprints
5 x 30”/30” of focusing on high pulls + form sprints. These pulls split the difference between a high knee and a butt kick. First 30” you will run slow but exaggerate these pulls. This will force you to run tall, to stabilize your hips, engage your core, and run light on your feet. Follow through with 30” of fast running, i.e. a form sprint. Run quickly but don’t overly strain* yourself or lose technique! Want an additional challenge? Run faster! Want additional feel and develop even stronger feet? Do this drill barefoot (on a soft grassy surface of course).
After these drills continue your intended run for as long as you like focusing on light quick feet!
*If you’re new to this start slow and ease into this type of running![/text_block]

Some of your methods seem bizarre or at least unconventional, but they work! Other methods I’ve heard and practiced multiple times but the way you explain them somehow makes a big difference and really hits home.
Liz R

TRE training works!!!! Finished the Carlsbad Half in record time. Totally spent, and could not have succeeded like this without TRE. Thank you!
Greg H

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