Running Through Coronavirus: 5 Tips To Keep Your Training On Track

Covid-19. Let’s talk about it. While there is so much information coming at you during this public health pandemic, we at The Run Experience want to simplify things just a bit.
Wash your hands, monitor your sneezing, and take care of your immune system. You guys know the drill at this point. But in this article we’re taking a look at what this novel coronavirus does to your running training.
How To Run Through COVID-19
To begin, the CDC has made it clear that you can, in fact, continue running outside through the coronavirus outbreak. In fact, solo runs are a great way to commit to social distancing and stay on track at the same time. You avoid close contact with others, and you can still work toward that Boston Marathon qualifying time.
We’re all settling into a new, isolated routine, and we’re not sure how long it will last. So, in this article, we’ve got a few tips to keep your solo, at-home runs exciting, fresh, and productive. Running outside might just become your new best friend. Well, that and washing your hands of course.
Tip #1: Make A Plan
If you are not currently following a running training plan, it might help to pretend you are, at least for each training session. Rather than just wandering out aimlessly for a solo run, consider finding a running workout or a follow-along run that you can tackle.
Most running workouts or follow-along runs utilize intervals to break things up and help you push the pace. Not only is this beneficial for your running progress, but it helps make the run feel less monotonous. And monotony is certainly a concept worth avoiding in these times.
So, before you head out, go find a workout to follow. If you are just running around your block, consider finding a track workout online, and treat your block like a track. If your home is surrounded by hills, look up a hill repeat workout. Set up a plan ahead of time to break up your training and give yourself a more immediate task to tackle.
And if you enjoy having a set plan before heading out on your run, consider finding a more regular training plan. It may help give your days a sense of normalcy, and it will definitely help you work toward your half marathon, full marathon, or other race goals.
Tip #2: Utilize Social Media
Use social media to keep your runs exciting. If you only have your backyard to run around, get on social media and see what backyard runs people have come up with. It’s all out there.
On the other hand, if you come up with a great workout, share it! If treating your block as a track worked for you, let others know so they can do the same.
We’re all looking for positives (and hand sanitizer) in these uncertain times. Sharing a successful workout can motivate others to kickstart or continue their fitness journey.
Find a Facebook group or something similar where you can share what worked, and what didn’t. Your fellow runners will thank you. And who knows, you may get a great idea to keep training exciting from a fellow runner.
Tip #3: Embrace The Extra Recovery Time
What better time to break out your foam roller? If an injury or a pain has been bothering you, view this extra free time as an opportunity to heal yourself. Recovery and mobility are often first to go from our training plan when we get busy; let’s change that.
Spend a few minutes every day foam rolling, using a lacrosse ball or a tennis ball in your sore spots, and doing the stretches you love to hate. Self-isolating does have some benefits, and you could come out of this time feeling better than you ever have while running.
On a related note, be sure you are sticking to a proper sleep schedule, as sleep is crucial to muscle recovery. Even if you don’t need to wake up early and get to the office each day, try to maximize and perfect your sleep schedule so that your muscles can rebuild as needed.
After all, mobility can only do so much if you are not sleeping and allowing your body to recover.
Tip #4: At-Home Workouts Can Help Your Running
While this article is focused primarily on how to keep your running sharp during the coronavirus pandemic, at-home workouts play a role here. And there are TONS of them floating around the internet right now.
These at-home workouts can and should function as the strength training piece of your run training. Strength training is a key ingredient in run form and endurance. While our gyms might be closed right now, we can get stronger using just our body weight.
If you are following a training plan, use social media and the internet to find at-home strength workouts that you can sub in for the strength days that used to take place at a gym.
If you are not following a training plan, throw in an at-home strength workout every few days (2-3 times per week) to mix up your workouts. Trust us, this will help your running progress.
Allow strength training to help you improve your run form. You will come out of this social distancing period a better and stronger runner.
Tip #5: Use Caution and Modify Your Training If Necessary
Lastly, use your common sense. If you feel at all under the weather, skip your workout. Even if your running would be done in an isolated environment, stay home if you feel sick.
The news is filled with nothing but information on how coronavirus spreads, so be sure you’re not adding to the problem just to stay on track with your running training.
While running is one of the only things we can continue to do right now, T.R.E. urges you to exercise caution and reason every time you head out. Your training will be waiting for you when you’re healthy. In these times, it’s simply not worth it to push your training when you feel sick.
In addition, stay aware of coronavirus updates. If it becomes clear that running outside is not a good idea, then 100% at-home workouts it is! Listen to the CDC, and make any and all necessary adjustments. The sooner we get back to normal, the sooner you can crush your next race!