How Far Is a Marathon and Should You Try to Run One?
How many miles are in a marathon? What's the marathon distance in kilometers? How do you finish a full marathon distance? We have answers.

There’s a joke that goes “How do you know if someone has run a marathon? Don’t worry, they’ll tell you.”
Sarcasm aside, it’s kind of true. Most runners, no matter the distance, want to share their love of the sport with everyone. Considering the amount of time a marathon runner invests in their training and preparing for race day, it’s no wonder. Sometimes it annoys people, and other times it inspires them.
Whether you’re annoyed or inspired, you likely have questions. How long is a marathon? What’s the marathon distance in miles? How many kilometers is a marathon? How long does it take someone to run a marathon?
Great questions. We have answers.
If you find yourself in the inspired group but you aren’t even sure how many miles are in a marathon or how you’d go about finding the right one for you, we’ve got you covered.
Learn about why the marathon is the exact distance it is and the different types of marathon races out there. We’ll point out some considerations before you decide to train for one, too.
How Many Miles Are In A Marathon?
If you’ve gotten into the world of running, you’ve possibly heard the story of how the marathon race came to be. If not, then here’s your ( super short) history lesson.
The marathon distance comes from ancient Greece. The story goes that a Greek messenger, Pheidippides, ran from the city of Marathon to the capital of Athens to declare a battle victory over the Persians. After covering the approximately 25-mile distance, Pheidippides shouted “Niki!” (victory!), then promptly fell over dead. Talk about making an entrance.
In 1896, the founders of the modern Olympics were searching for an event that would celebrate the ancient Greek culture. They landed on the idea of a marathon run. It would be held in Athens and cover 40 kilometers, or just under 25 miles. From that first event until 1908, the marathon distance varied slightly each year as the location changed. In 1921, the distance was officially standardized to 42.1 kilometers, or 26.2 miles, and hasn’t changed since.
In short, the answer to your question of how many miles (or kilometers) are in a full marathon:
- Full Marathon Distance in Miles: 26.2 Miles
- Full Marathon Distance in Kilometers: 42.1 Kilometers
A Marathon For Every Type Of Runner
If you’ve seen pictures of a marathon, chances are it was one of packed streets and runners elbow to elbow. While this is a common race scene, it’s not the only one. No matter what type of runner you are, you’re sure to find a marathon in the location, size, and time of year that you’re looking for.

Here are some common classifications of marathon races:
- Road: Most marathons are held on the road. They might take place in a big city, such as the San Francisco Marathon with 27,500 runners, or they might have a smaller field like the Missoula Marathon with only 1,750 runners. Guaranteed you’ll be able to find a road marathon to suit your fancy!
- Trail: These races can be held alongside rivers, through deserts, or in urban or rural parks and woods. Some trail marathons might be flat, while others are vicious in their terrain. Whatever you want your trail marathon experience to be, you’ll find it! How long is a marathon on the trails? Well, it depends. Distances range from normal marathons to 200+ mile races.
- Walk: If you’re not interested in running a full marathon, then walking one might be the answer for you! You can choose from a marathon that’s designed to be walked (US Freedom Walk Festival or Disney marathon events are very walker-friendly). Or, you can choose a marathon with generous cutoff times (at least 6 hours) and walk it.
- Relay: This is another great option for beginner runners, your first marathon, or runners who want to have an interactive twist to their race. In a relay marathon, you’ll have a team of runners, anywhere from 2-4 people, who each run a portion of the marathon distance.
The History of the Marathon
Curious how we settled on 26.2 miles for the marathon distance? Here's a short history of how this length came about.
The marathon draws its name from a pivotal moment in history, rooted in the annals of ancient Greece. The lore tells of a soldier named Pheidippides, who in 490 BCE, ran from the Battle of Marathon to Athens, a distance close to what we now know as the marathon length, to deliver news of the Athenian victory over the Persians.
Upon delivering the message, “Nenikēkamen!” ("We have won!"), Pheidippides collapsed and died, his mission complete. While the accuracy of this tale is debated among historians, it has nevertheless forged the marathon into a symbol of endurance, sacrifice, and the power of human will.
In homage to Pheidippides, the marathon was inaugurated in the first modern Olympic Games in 1896 in Athens, aiming to symbolize the same robust spirit and endurance that was exhibited in ancient times. The distance was standardized to 26.219 miles (42.195 kilometers) in the 1908 London Olympic Games to ensure the route passed a particular royal viewing point, and this distance has been adhered to ever since.
The Symbolism and Global Impact of Marathons
The marathon stands not only as a test of physical stamina but also as a symbol of perseverance, community, and international camaraderie. Every year, millions lace up their shoes to partake in this enduring test of human limits, each with their narratives of determination and personal triumph.
Marathons stitch together people from varied backgrounds, ages, and nations, rendering borders and differences obsolete in the shared pursuit of a finish line. Races such as the New York City Marathon, the Boston Marathon, and the London Marathon have evolved into international events, witnessed by millions and run by individuals from every corner of the globe.
Moreover, marathons often serve as platforms for raising awareness and funds for countless charitable causes. Runners often dedicate their races to personal, national, or global causes, utilizing the race as a vessel to amplify voices that seek to be heard, from health issues to social justice.
Why Is the Marathon Distance Such a Big Deal?
Endurance, persistence, and a sprinkle of sheer will: encapsulated in a specific distance, the marathon emerges not just as a race but as a symbol of human resolve. Spanning precisely 26.219 miles or 42.195 kilometers, the marathon invites athletes to conquer not merely a physical distance but an intricate tapestry of physical and mental hurdles.
Exact Distance and Its Conversion
A marathon officially measures 26.219 miles or 42.195 kilometers, a distance that was standardized in the 1908 London Olympic Games. The tale behind the standardization tells of the British royal family's desire to have the race start at Windsor Castle and finish in front of the royal box at the Olympic Stadium—a route that incidentally measured the now-official distance.
Since then, the 26.219-mile journey has been a universal constant in the world of marathon racing, serving as the ultimate test of endurance for runners worldwide.
Why 26.219 Miles Is a Significant Physical and Mental Challenge
The marathon’s distance stands as a testament to the epitome of endurance, weaving through it physical, psychological, and often emotional trials that every runner must navigate.
Let’s dissect why this particular distance has garnered a reputation for being one of the most formidable challenges in the athletic world:
- Physical Endurance and Stamina: Marathon running demands a refined level of physical endurance and stamina. The continuous, repetitive motion of legs striking the pavement for hours stresses muscles, joints, and ligaments. It engages multiple muscle groups, which over the course of the race, endure micro-tears, and fatigue, requiring adept physical conditioning to successfully navigate.
- Metabolic Challenge: The body's fuel sources are put to the test during a marathon. Generally, the body taps into glycogen stores for energy, which can deplete after about 18-20 miles into the race, a phenomenon commonly known as "hitting the wall." Runners must strategically fuel, ensuring that glycogen stores are optimally filled and efficiently utilized, and often turning to alternative energy sources like fats as the race progresses.
- Psychological Fortitude: The mental component of marathon running is equally, if not more, challenging than the physical. Maintaining focus, determination, and a positive mindset throughout training and the actual race is crucial. Runners often confront self-doubt, pain, and mental fatigue, which require a sturdy mental framework and efficient coping mechanisms to overcome.
- Environmental and External Factors: External factors, including weather conditions, the racecourse's topography, and unexpected occurrences, add an additional layer of complexity. Adapting to these variables—be it a scorching sun, an unexpected hill, or a nagging cramp—necessitates mental adaptability and physical resilience.
- The Last Miles: The final miles of a marathon are often where the most formidable challenges lie. With glycogen stores dwindling and muscles screaming in protest, runners must muster every ounce of physical and mental energy to press toward the finish line.
The World Marathon Majors
As you can see, there is a race for every runner. It’s probably fair to say that you can find a marathon race in every large city, or at least within a short drive.
But if your marathon dreams are bigger than your local scene, there’s a race series called the World Marathon Majors that is worthy of anyone’s bucket list. The series consists of six of the biggest and most highly regarded marathons in the world, including:
Tokyo, Boston, London, Berlin, Chicago, and New York City
Some of those races are particularly interesting, such as the Boston Marathon. This race is considered to be one of the most prestigious in the United States. Elite runners come here to shine and put on the speed, and regular runners step up the starting line to challenge themselves and set personal speed records. Even our very own Coach Morgan has a story to share about her road to Boston:
Other races, such as the Berlin Marathon, have courses that travel past culturally and historically significant locations. That can be great motivation not only through the weeks of your marathon training plan but also on race day. Having spectated the Athens Marathon, I can say that there’s a special feeling when you’re at a race with historical significance, even if it’s not on the list for the Marathon Majors.
What It Takes To Train For A Marathon
If you’re feeling inspired to become a marathoner, here are a few points to keep in mind before diving in:
- It’s a good idea to run another race before tackling a full marathon. A lot of marathoners would say it’s helpful to run a half marathon as your “warm-up” race. This gives you practice for following a training plan, toeing the starting line, and dealing with race day jitters.
- That being said, there’s nothing like the “go big or go home” approach and making the marathon your first race. Just be sure to leave yourself plenty of time to build up slowly to avoid injuries and having to drop out before you even start!
- Whether the marathon is your first race or you have a warm-up race planned, build up a decent running base so you’re able to run for about 45 minutes at a time.
- Expect to train for 4-5 months specifically for your race (add weeks if you need to build a base).
- It’ll cost you anywhere from $50-$200 to register, depending on your race. Smaller races are less expensive, and the bigger, better-known races will cost you more.
- Some races only have lottery registrations, so you may or may not get in the first time you try. Have a backup race in mind!
During Training
- Be prepared to spend a couple of hours of every weekend getting in your long runs.
- Even though you’re running longer distances, you’ll still want to include some speed workouts to keep your pace up.
- Strength training will help prevent injuries and help your body take the impact of all the training miles. Check out this video on why marathon runners should lift weights.
- Rest days are important to let your body recover, reflect on your past week’s training, and gear up for the next week’s schedule.
- Speaking of rest and recovery, don’t forget to give your feet some loving attention to counter the impact of increased mileage:
Other Race Distances
Some runners live and breathe for the marathon distance. But it’s not the only race distance out there! From a speedy 5k to a multi-day 200-mile trek, there are plenty of other distances to check out.

5k (3.1 miles)
By far one of the most popular race distances in the United States, the 5k is a doable race for any fitness level. From chasing speed records to having fun at a themed race, a 5k is a great way to get familiar with lining up at the starting line.
10k (6.2 miles)
Though the 10k distance doesn’t get as much attention as the other race distances, this is a great opportunity to test your endurance. This is also usually the shortest distance you can find on a trail course, so you can see if off-roading is right for you.
Half Marathon (13.1 miles)
Another popular distance, the half marathon is perfect to try out a longer distance without committing to a full marathon training program. Just like the 5k, there is a half marathon to suit every runner—beachside, through a vineyard, up a mountain, and more!
Ultra Marathon:
This umbrella category is for any race over the standard full marathon 26.2. Just how many miles you would run depends on which ultra you choose.
- 50k (31 miles): This is the gateway race distance to longer races. There are a great many 50k races held in the United States each year, and they run the gamut from point-to-point to loops to out-and-backs. Elite runners can cover the distance in as little as five hours, while back of the pack runners may need up to 10 hours.
- 50 mile: Considered by some to be the first “real” ultra distance, a 50-mile race will most likely take place on trails and require anywhere from seven to 14 hours to run.
- 100k (62 miles): With a finish time between 10 and 16 hours, this race will test your running chops. It often serves as a qualifier for the next race distance so you can prove you’ve got what it takes to be on the trail for even longer.
- 100 mile: Considered the ultimate feather in any ultra runner’s cap, the 100-mile distance can be completed on the track, road, or most commonly, the trail. The US hosts the Western States 100 Mile Endurance Run every August and draws a huge crowd of aspiring runners, spectators, and support crews. These runners will spend 24-36 hours on the course.
- 200+ mile: Believe it or not, ultramarathons of 200 or more miles are becoming more and more popular with trail runners. Talk about a suffer-fest! These events take anywhere from 60 to 100 hours. The Bigfoot 200 and the Tahoe 200 are both popular races of this distance.
Just like the types of marathons, the types of races out there are diverse!
How Long Is a Marathon?
You already know the distance, so you’re probably curious about the timing. Well, it depends. Eliud Kipchoge broke the 2-hour marathon barrier in 2019, but he’s an anomaly. You’ll typically find competitive marathon runners finishing slightly above the 2-hour mark.
However, on the other end of the spectrum, sometimes it takes participants as long as 8 hours to complete a marathon—and that’s totally fine. Everyone is out there to run their own race, and you can set your own goals for what you want to accomplish.
Think the full marathon distance is too much to tackle? Start small. Consider completing a 10K or half marathon before committing to the marathon.
Frequently Asked Questions About Marathons
Marathons are intriguing and challenging events that inspire many questions from both new and experienced runners. Whether you're considering running your first marathon or just curious about this epic race, we've compiled some of the most common questions and provided detailed answers to help you understand what it takes to run 26.2 miles.
What Is the Marathon Distance?
A marathon is 26.2 miles or 42.195 kilometers. This distance was standardized in 1921 and has been the official length of marathon races ever since. The origin of this specific distance dates back to the 1908 London Olympic Games, where the race was extended to allow the royal family to view the finish from their royal box.
How Long Does It Take to Train for a Marathon?
Training for a marathon typically takes 4-5 months, depending on your current fitness level and running experience. It's important to have a solid base of running fitness before starting a marathon training plan, which usually includes a mix of long runs, speed workouts, and rest days to ensure you build endurance while preventing injuries.
Can Anyone Run a Marathon?
Yes, anyone with determination and the willingness to train can run a marathon. However, it's important to approach marathon training gradually and with a proper plan. Beginners should start with shorter distances like 5Ks or 10Ks before progressing to a half marathon and then a full marathon.
What Should I Eat Before and During a Marathon?
Proper nutrition is crucial for marathon training and race day. Before the race, focus on carbohydrate-rich meals to fuel your body. During the marathon, consume easily digestible carbohydrates like energy gels, chews, or sports drinks to maintain your energy levels. Hydration is also key, so drink water or electrolyte drinks regularly.
How Do I Choose the Right Marathon for Me?
Consider factors like location, time of year, course difficulty, and size when choosing a marathon. Some marathons, like the Boston Marathon, require qualifying times, while others have a lottery system for entry. Research different marathons to find one that aligns with your preferences and goals.
How Do I Prevent Injuries While Training for a Marathon?
Prevent injuries by following a well-structured training plan, incorporating strength training and flexibility exercises, wearing proper footwear, and listening to your body. If you feel pain, it's important to address it early and consult a healthcare professional if necessary.
What Happens on Race Day?
On race day, arrive early to allow time for parking, warm-up, and lining up at the start. Follow your race day nutrition plan, pace yourself, and stay hydrated. Enjoy the experience, and remember to celebrate your accomplishment at the finish line!
Start Training for the Full Marathon Distance
Now you know how many miles are in a marathon and how long a marathon is—it’s time to do something about it. The full marathon distance is there for you to conquer. You just need to set a goal and make it happen.
Lots to think about, right? Well, what if I told you that all of the planning and work had already been taken care of in our mobile app? I mean, you still have to work hard in your training, but we’ve got a full 16-week marathon training program ready for you.
Let us be your virtual running coach. Weekly mileage, strength training sessions, and mobility drills will set you up with balanced and effective training. You’ll also get an active online community with our coaches and other members, so you’re sure to find the support you need through your training. Maybe you’ll even see another member at a future marathon race!