Inspiration for Weight Loss: 6 Running Nutrition Instagrams to Follow

If you’ve started running to lose weight, nutrition is half the battle. For some runners, this can be intimidating. Adjusting your eating habits and trying to manage your training schedule effectively can be tough to do on a consistent basis. That’s why you’ll need small triggers to coach you and keep you on track throughout your weight loss journey.
Nutrition Instagram Accounts You Need to Follow
Naturally integrating signals into your life as reminders is a great way to ensure you say no to junk food and adopt healthy habits. One way to accomplish this is to follow runners who share nutritional facts and weight loss tips to guide your consumption.
Constant signals in your daily life can provide weight loss motivation. Instagram and other social media posts from prominent running influencers who focus on healthy eating can refocus you on your weight loss goals.
Healthy habits aren’t formed overnight. It’ll take some time to throw the junk food away, build some cardio into your routine and adopt an overarching wellness lifestyle.
You don’t have to follow a fad diet, join Weight Watchers, sign up for the keto diet or get weight loss surgery to make progress. There are other solutions to manage your weight gain. These include having a rigid eating plan and focusing on your weight loss transformation goals for the first time.
Runners who have been there before can help. That’s why we’ve assembled a list of the top runners on Instagram that cover wellness, self-care, weight loss success, lifestyle change, dieting and healthy meals.

Colleen Quigley – @steeple_squigs
Colleen Quigley is an olympian and Nike-sponsored athlete for the Bowerman track club. She considers herself passionate about food and the steeplechase. In addition to sharing her weightlifting and workout routine, she dives deep into nutrition and what she eats on a daily basis. She even filmed a video for Women’s Health that highlights what is in her fridge:
Cait’s Plate – @caitsplate
Caits Plate is operated by Caitlyn Elf who is a Registered Dietician Nutritionist that believes in the “anti-diet.” In other words, she thinks you can eat great foods and be healthy at the same time. Her entire feed is dedicated to showcasing healthy recipes and meals that you can make for healthy weight loss.
Nutritionists are great to follow on Instagram, because they can provide essentials for meal prep like portion sizes for portion control and low-carb meal options. Cait masterfully blends together an aesthetically-pleasing profile with yummy recipes to try at home.

Nutritious Movement – @nutritiousmovement
Perhaps you don’t want to just follow a single runner, and instead are more interested in a community. Nutritious Movement is an account started by Katy Bowman, who is a mom, biochemist and author of Move Your DNA. She pioneered the #MovementMatters campaign, encouraging people to get up and move each day.
The account blends together nutrition with daily activity and mental health measures to improve your overall wellness and health. This is a great account to follow for motivation along your fitness journey.

The Fitness Chef – @thefitnesschef_
The Fitness Chef is all about healthy meals. There isn’t a weight loss story that is prominently featured on this account, but rather, it is all about practical instructions for healthy meals.
I really like how he gives options and alternatives to eat healthier. For example, he compared a weekend treat of a pizza you buy from the store with a low-calorie barbeque chicken pizza that you can make yourself. By evaluating each side by side, you can see the cost and calories associated with each, making the decision a no-brainer.

Deryn Macey – @runningonrealfood
Derybn Macey launched Running on Real Food to highlight tasty meals that runners could eat that aren’t processed or bad for you. She considers herself a food blogger that is “sharing simple, healthy and delicious plant-based recipes that anyone can make and enjoy.”
These recipes are powering runners all over the world and are super easy for anyone to make! Start exploring this account for meal inspiration, so you’re ready in the new year to begin the hard work of losing weight.

Anna Wildman – @annawildman
Anna Wildman is a vegan runner that is living in Tokyo who highlights some of the best dishes she tries that are perfect for a vegan diet. She’s a food blogger and a vegan connoisseur that shares artful photos of unique vegan delicacies that she tastes throughout her travels and even makes at home. Her feed is carefully curated, and her captions draw you in and make you feel like you’ve found a lifelong friend.
Finding Inspiration for Weight Loss
From a personal trainer to intermittent fasting, you may feel like you’ve tried it all in your weight loss journey. In my life, I always look for inspiration from others. Some of the best weight loss stories can come from your own community when you find someone who is determined to live the healthiest life that they can.
One of our very own in the TRE community adopted a healthy lifestyle with a meal plan full of healthy foods and put in the hard work to get to his desired body weight and body image. Tony is an inspiration to us all to continue forward on our weight loss journey.

In order to lose it, you need to commit. Download MyFitnessPal (or a related app) or get a Fitbit for guidance. Increase your cardio or do a HIIT workout. Figure out the correct weight loss program that works for you.
Taking the First Step
As we all know, getting started can be the hardest part. There is always tomorrow. Today might not be right. However, there may never be a day that feels perfectly right to begin. Losing weight can be a roller coaster of a journey, but it doesn’t have to be. Get your plan together, and get moving. Commit to it, and make a routine out of it. You’ll thank yourself later.
These accounts should provide some baseline inspiration for weight loss. By hitting the follow button on each one, you’ll be reminded to eat healthy at various points throughout the day when you browse your Instagram feed.