Shins Hurt After Running? How to Fix & Prevent Shin Splints
Shin pain from running (aka shin splints) can be miserable. If your shins hurt after running, try these tips to treat & prevent shin splints.

Ever finish a run and wonder, "Why do my shins hurt after running?" You're not alone — shin pain is one of the most common complaints we hear from runners. Whether your shins hurt while running or they're sore after you've cooled down, that nagging discomfort can throw a wrench in your training plans.
But here's the good news: we've got your back (and your shins). At The Run Experience, we've helped countless runners tackle the age-old question, "Why does my shin hurt when I run?" — and more importantly, how to fix it.
In this guide, we'll dive into why your shins might be screaming at you post-run, what's causing that pesky shin pain, and how to get back to logging miles with happy legs. Whether you're dealing with shins that are sore after running or pain that hits mid-stride, we've got the tips and tricks to keep you moving forward.
Shins Hurt After Running? Here’s Why
"Why do my shins hurt when I run?" If we had a dollar for every time we heard that question, we'd have enough to buy everyone new running shoes!
Let's get sciency for a second — what runners call "shin splints" is officially known as medial tibial stress syndrome. It's a fancy way of saying "ouch, my shins!" You'll feel it as an aching pain on the front of your lower leg — right on that shin bone, nestled between your tibia and calf muscles.
Here's the deal: when your shins hurt after running, it's your body waving a big red flag. It's saying, "Hey you! Something's not quite right down here!"
Now, we love your enthusiasm, but ignoring that shin pain is like hitting the snooze button on your body's alarm clock. Keep that up, and you might find yourself sidelined with a stress fracture — that's a one-way ticket to Restville for six weeks or more. Not exactly the summer vacation you had in mind, right?
Here's where it gets tricky: shin splints are sneaky little devils. For some runners, the pain hits mid-stride — your shins hurt while running. For others, it's a lovely parting gift — your shins are sore after running. And sometimes, thanks to the cocktail of adrenaline and endorphins (runner's high, anyone?), you might not feel a thing until you're chilling on the couch post-run.
The bottom line? Whether your shins hurt during or after your run, it's time to listen up and take action. Don't worry — we've got your back (and your shins). Keep reading, and we'll show you how to kick shin splints to the curb and keep your running dreams alive!
Why Do My Shins Hurt After Running?
If your shins hurt from running, they’re not always the culprit. Look upstream and downstream of the issue. Tight calves or quads could be failing to absorb impact, causing more stress to attack your shins with each step.
Calf and shin pain from running often come together, but sometimes the feeling is isolated. If you’re experiencing pain in your shins when running, try strengthening, stretching, and foam rolling your calves. If that eases the pain, you’ve found the culprit—keep your calves strong and loose, and you should be good to go.
It could even be a foot or ankle problem. If your ankles are tight or you’re wearing the incorrect footwear, then your shins could be compensating.
Know when to rest, when to lightly exercise, when to foam roll and massage, and when to get help.
If your shins hurt when running, begin a recovery program. Attack it sooner than later. You might be able to nip it in the bud if you find the problem quickly. And, then you’ll know exactly what to do if you have a flare-up later.
What Are Shin Muscles, Exactly?
Great question. While your shin is the front part of your lower leg, it’s actually compromised of a few different muscles. Everything is connected and related.
Ultimately, you have the tibialis anterior in the front of your shin, the gastrocnemius on the back of your leg (the calf muscle), and the soleus which attaches to your Achilles tendon.
When one of these muscles has a problem, it can cause issues upstream or downstream of the issue. When your calf is tight, your ankles, shins, and even toes can feel it. Keep all your shin muscles healthy and happy to prevent aches and pains in your lower body.
What Causes Shin Pain After Running?
Does running cause shin pain? Well, it's not that simple — running isn't the bad guy here, but sometimes our shins aren't quite ready for what we're asking them to do.
Here's the scoop:
- Newbie blues: Shin splints love to pick on the new kids on the block. If you're just starting out or ramping up your training too quickly, your shins might be yelling, "Whoa there, speed racer!" Shin soreness is often an overuse injury — your body's way of saying it needs time to adapt.
- Ladies, listen up: Women, we hate to break it to you, but you're two to three times more likely to get shin splints. Don't shoot the messenger — we're just here to keep you informed!
- The science behind the soreness: Most sports medicine experts agree that when your foot hits the ground — especially on hard surfaces — your shin bone does a tiny bend. It's like a mini rollercoaster for your tibia! For seasoned runners, the body responds by beefing up the tibia, making it thicker and tougher. It's like your bones are hitting the gym!
- Newbies vs. veterans: Here's where experience comes into play. Veteran runners' tibias have had time to "bulk up" and handle the stress. But for newer runners, your tibia is still in training mode — it hasn't learned the ropes yet, making you more susceptible to shin splints.
But don't hang up your running shoes just yet! There are plenty of ways to prevent shin splints and treat them if they do crash your running party. Stick with us — we're about to show you how to keep those shins happy and healthy!
How to Prevent Shin Splints from Running
In a perfect world, we’d always be able to prevent shin splints from running. Here are some of the things runners can do to make them less likely:
- Don’t increase your mileage by more than 10 percent per week. Your body needs time to adapt to the increased workload and pounding on your legs. Furthermore, don’t forget to warm up with an easy jog and stretching before you turn on any intensity in a training workout.
- Keep an eye on the shape of your running shoes. Once they are wearing down (every few hundred miles or so), it’s time to replace them to support your legs. Don’t skimp on running shoes–they can be a little expensive, but the right pair are well worth it.
- Ice baths aren’t exactly comfortable, but they have an amazing impact. In college, I used to sit in an ice bath up to my waist for 15-20 minutes. It’s blasting cold at first, but then you go numb after a few minutes. Ice water has serious anti-inflammatory and healing properties!
- Cross-training: There’s no getting around it. Running is a high-impact sport. But you can get in quality cardiovascular and strength training sessions without all the impact. Try biking, the elliptical, swimming, pilates, or yoga.
- Don’t always run on hard surfaces like the road. Do some of your running on grass or a track.
Let’s take a look at this video about the best ways to prevent shin splints for runners:
How to Fix Shin Splints from Running
Despite our best efforts, shin splints are still going to happen sometimes. If you start treating them early on, chances are you’ll avoid more shin pain down the road. Here are some of the best strategies for how to fix shin splints for good:
- Ice baths aren’t just good for shin pain prevention, they are also great for treating them! Whenever I have them, I fill up a bucket or clean trash can that goes up to my knees with ice water and read a book, watch TV, or work on my computer, 15 to 20 minutes goes by fast!
- You can also freeze small dixie cups full of water. Once frozen, peel off the top part of the paper and massage your skins with the ice. Ice packs also work great!
- If you find you’re prone to shin pain and keep getting shin splints over and over, consider orthotics for your shoes. Talk to an orthopedic specialist you can get you properly fitted. It can make all the difference.
- Strengthen your calves–they support your shin muscles. Start with 20 calf raises on each leg and work up to three sets, twice per day. You can also place your toes on the edge of a stair transfer your weight to one leg at a time to strengthen those calf muscles.
- Over-the-counter ibuprofen can help reduce pain and swelling while you’re healing. However, don’t use it merely to “mask the pain” of your shins. It can be used in conjunction with other treatment options. Don’t overdo it. A maximum of 500-600 mg per day while you heal should be enough.
Here’s a great video to check out on how to foster excellent calf health:
- Try wearing elastic compression bandages over your shins to support the bone and speed up healing.
- Get a foam roller to massage over your shins and reduce pain.
Now, let’s hear from our own Coach Nate on how to fix shin splints–and his personal experience:
Stop Shin Pain from Running for Good
Ready to put shin pain from running behind you for good? Start a regimented training program! We’ll show you why your shins hurt after running and give you more tips for preventing shin splints—all on a day-by-day, week-by-week basis.
Have you downloaded our new mobile app? It’s loaded with workouts, videos, tips, and advice from expert coaches to keep you motivated every step of the way. Don’t forget to check out our range of training plans for runners of all levels, too! Finally, learn more about our injury prevention toolkit!